Class 4A Assembly

The students of Class 4A presented their class assembly on 6 December 2019, based on the theme of Greener World, A Cleaner World. The idea behind choosing the theme has been to realize that Cleanliness is the need of the hour today for the sake of our Mother Earth. The assembly commenced with one of the most profound thoughts by Mahatma Gandhi that said, ‘I will never let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet’. This helped to bring about an awareness that it is not just external cleanliness that we should seek, but also work at having a pure and calm mind.

The skit presented by the students ‘Greener World, A Cleaner World’ talked about the problems that we as a world are staring at today. It is deforestation and unchecked disposal of waste because of which our planet is standing at the verge of a global meltdown. The students brought to light the fact that it is very simple solutions that need to be executed very diligently and at a massive scale, where each and every person should come together and own up for their share of responsibility.

Thereafter, the quiz masters were all set to check the ‘Cleanliness Quotient’ of the students. The questions aimed at checking the level of awareness that we as a community have about our planet. For concluding the assembly, the entire class came together, for a group song, (We Shall Overcome) wherein they invited the whole school to hum along as a mark of coming together and moving towards a hopeful future, ‘Greener World, A Cleaner World’.

Class 4A Assembly
Class 4A Assembly
Class 4A Assembly
Class 4A Assembly
Class 4A Assembly
Class 4A Assembly